The 3 GB RAM and 32 GB storage variants of the Samsung Galaxy M30 have been officially launched in India. Apart from introducing the new model, Samsung announced that the Samsung Galaxy M30's 4GB RAM / 64GB storage variant is going to be discounted. The new variants of the Galaxy M30 will be made available for sale for the first time in the Amazon Great Indian Festival Sale. Many products of the Samsung brand will be discounted during the sale. It also includes smartphones like Samsung Galaxy M10S and Galaxy M30S.
Samsung Galaxy M30 price in India
Samsung Galaxy M30's 3 GB RAM and 32 GB storage variants will be sold for Rs 9,999. The new variant will be sold in the market along with the rest of the Galaxy M30 variants. It is worth noting that Samsung India had already informed Gadgets 360 to bring a new variant of Galaxy M30.
The 3 GB RAM and 32 GB storage variants of the Samsung Galaxy M30 have been officially launched in India. Apart from introducing the new model, Samsung announced that the Samsung Galaxy M30's 4GB RAM / 64GB storage variant is going to be discounted. The new variants of the Galaxy M30 will be made available for sale for the first time in the Amazon Great Indian Festival Sale. Many products of the Samsung brand will be discounted during the sale. It also includes smartphones like Samsung Galaxy M10S and Galaxy M30S.
Samsung Galaxy M30 price in India
Samsung Galaxy M30's 3 GB RAM and 32 GB storage variants will be sold for Rs 9,999. The new variant will be sold in the market along with the rest of the Galaxy M30 variants. It is worth noting that Samsung India had already informed Gadgets 360 to bring a new variant of Galaxy M30.
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